Activity Proxy Generator

The Activity Proxy Generator is a wizard that generates code for the design-time component of a custom activity.

Although Workflow comes with over 60 activities that perform a wide variety of functions, you can extend Workflow’s functionality by using the Scripting activities or by creating a custom activity.

A custom activity has two main components:

You can build the design-time component of your custom activity with the Activity Proxy Generator and then further customize it in Visual Studio.

To install the Activity Proxy Generator

  1. Follow the instructions for installing Workflow up to step 6.
  2. At the ClosedChoose Setup Type step, select Custom.
  3. Expand Workflow SDK, and select ClosedActivity Proxy Generator.
  4. Complete the Workflow Installation Wizard. More information.

To use the Activity Proxy Generator

The Activity Proxy Generator guides you through a wizard to help you configure your design-time component. Below, the wizard's steps are listed in the order they should be completed.